Nonprofit Grant Info Session

December 16, 2019
2pm - 4pm
DCTV 901 Newton Street NE, Washington, DC 20017
United States

Calling all Nonprofit Organizations!

We've added an addtional Info Session for Monday December 16, from 2-4pm.

We hope you can join us.


The DCTV capacity building grant program offers eligible nonprofits an array of benefits that build organizational communications and storytelling capability and provides an ongoing presence on cable television. We designed these grants to offer training and expert guidance to the nonprofit community, which enables you to robustly expand your impact within the DC community.

“Grant Level” is the amount of money your organization contributes to receive the grant. The grant term is initially one year and requires a very small organizational match. DCTV will provide documentation so that you can appropriately record “in-kind” services in your financial records. Grants may be extended or renewed with DCTV approval.