NEW Class! Creating a Web Series from the Makers of GROWN, the Web Series

June 28, 2018
DCTV | 901 Newton Street, NE
United States

Have you ever thought about creating your own web series? From popular web series like Awkward Black Girl to Broad City, web series are a very in-demand method of creating content that often requires less cost, less specialized equipment and less time than traditional television or filmmaking. 

In this one-day session, we’ll hear from Janea West, the Creator/Writer/Executive Producer, as well as cast and crew members of the DC-based web series, GROWN. The team will share with us their behind-the-scenes takeaways, experiences, and advice to others wishing to explore the art of creating a web series. Attendees will also get a first look of the pilot episode of the series.


The DCTV capacity building grant program offers eligible nonprofits an array of benefits that build organizational communications and storytelling capability and provides an ongoing presence on cable television. We designed these grants to offer training and expert guidance to the nonprofit community, which enables you to robustly expand your impact within the DC community.

“Grant Level” is the amount of money your organization contributes to receive the grant. The grant term is initially one year and requires a very small organizational match. DCTV will provide documentation so that you can appropriately record “in-kind” services in your financial records. Grants may be extended or renewed with DCTV approval.